Mastering the Trails of Denali: A Guide to Planning and Preparing for Your Hiking Adventure

If you’ve ever dreamed of hiking through Denali National Park, we can hardly blame you — we do it all the time and we’re still in awe of the sights we get to see! Hiking Denali is a bucket-list adventure for many, but it isn’t something to dive into lightly. These hikes take great preparation, and we’re here to help with that.

All About Hiking Denali

The first thing you need to know when you’re planning to go on a hike in Denali National Park is that there aren’t actually very many marked trails. That means you have over six million acres of wilderness that is mostly wide open for you to explore, forging your own paths. That sort of adventure is part of the appeal to be sure, but it also makes it even more important that you are prepared and have the outdoor skills to handle navigating the area.

When and How to Visit

Denali is beautiful all of the time, but it is best to plan your hike in summer. Summer months, from late May to early September, have extended daylight hours and the most stable weather, though there can still be sudden changes.

When you are planning your visit, it is essential to plan ahead to ensure you’re able to get a permit. Entry to the park itself requires a permit, and then backcountry hikers need an additional permit. You can get these at the Denali Visitor Center, and they’re issued on a first come first served basis. Permits and campgrounds alike can go quickly during peak season.

Pack the Essentials

You need to make sure you have all the right gear packed for your hike. Some of the essentials include:

  • A topographic map, compass, and GPS device

  • Weather-appropriate clothing with a focus on layers

  • Rain gear

  • Sturdy, comfortable hiking boots

  • Tent and sleeping bag

  • Portable stove

  • Food and water supplies

  • A way to purify additional water

  • Bear-resistant food containers

Leave No Trace

Just as it is important to know what to bring in with you, it is just as essential to be aware of what you’ll be carrying out. In Denali, we respect the environment, and a huge part of that is leaving it as you found it. Camp only in designated areas or on durable surfaces, don’t disturb the plants or animals, and bring a waste container so that you can pack out all of your trash.

Navigation and Safety

While it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the hike, you absolutely must keep your safety in mind! This isn’t a small town park — if you get lost in Denali, it could be disastrous. Study topographic maps and make sure you’re familiar with the terrain before your trip. Always have a physical map and a compass, but also consider investing in a GPS device to keep you safe.

Another aspect of safety in Denali is dealing with the wildlife — or more specifically, hopefully not dealing with it. Grizzly bears, moose, and wolves can all be exciting to see in the wild, but they are wild animals following their instincts, so it is important to be incredibly cautious. Remember, you are in their home. Store your food properly so as not to attract bears, keep a safe distance, and learn what to do if you encounter a bear close up.

Book a Hiking or Walking Tour with Northern Epics Today

If all of this sounds a little daunting, we don’t blame you! But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the experience. If you’re not super experienced with backcountry hiking, joining a guided tour is a fantastic way to get to experience the Alaskan wildlife. Your guide is a trained expert who can help with navigation, teach you about the area, and help keep you safe.

Denali National Park is an amazing opportunity to see natural wonders while hiking, both on and off the trails. At Northern Epics, we’re dedicated to sharing that experience with as many people as possible, no matter what your experience or fitness level. To experience everything Denali has to offer, book a hiking or walking tour with us today.


Top 15 Things to See & Do in Denali National Park